Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Awards Time

One Lovely Blog Award
Harika from Harika's Kitchen has presented me with the One Lovely Blog Award. 

Thank you Harika for the Award. I am feeling so delighted.
Here are the rules for this award:
1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers. Please don't leave it general and just invite all your blogger friends to collect the Award. It's always nice to be nominated so please do the favor and nominate 15 bloggers to share the Award with.
3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they’ve been chosen

Stylish Blogger Award
Harika from Harika's Kitchen and Kankana from Sunshine & Smile have presented me this Stylish Blogger Award. Thank you lovely buddies!

Here is what we can do to share and keep the loop going
1. Thank and Link Back to the Blogger Who Awarded You With The Award
2. Share 7 Things About Yourself
3. Award 15 Recently Discovered Great Blogger
4. Contact The Bloggers and Inform Them of The Award

And Now comes 7 things about me :)
1. I love pink color.. and admire anything in pink
2. I love admiring moon and the night-sky
3. I am a well-organized person (?!) and try to stick to my plan as much as I can
4. I am not a party person..huh.. but always love company of close friends
5. I would always like have something sweet (at least a small bite of chocolate) after every meal
6. I love music, especially ARRahman's
7. I try not to postpone things as much as I can

I would like to pass on these awards to my fellow blogger friends
Priya Sreeram
Priya Vasu
Priya Suresh
Aruna Manikandan
Premalatha Aravindan
Jeyashri Suresh


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