Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Apple Flaxmeal Chapathi | Roti Paratha Recipes

I had been thinking of using apple in my chapathi for a while now ever since I read it in a magazine. When I told this to my DH, he was dumbstruck (yeah, that is the word that best describes his reaction) and so I had not spoken about that to him. I used flaxmeal in my Blueberry scones and fell in love with it being healthy and rich in fiber. I made this chapathi for lunch the other day and my DH enjoyed it. Little did he know that it had apple in it and loved it totally. I did tell him later...

Whole Wheat flour/Atta flour - 1 3/4 cups
Flax seed meal - 1/4 cup
Apple - 1 - peeled, seeded and chopped
Yogurt - 1 1/2 - 2 tbsp
Cumin powder -  a pinch - optional
Salt - a big pinch
Oil - 2 tsp + more to apply

Mix the wheat flour, flax seed meal and salt. Add oil and mix it to resemble a coarse crumble. Meanwhile puree the apple with yogurt and cumin powder (if using). Add the puree to the flour and knead to form a soft dough. Sprinkle water if needed. Apply a little oil over the dough and cover and rest for a minimum of 15 mins. Pinch a small golf-ball sized dough and roll out to thin chapathis. Heat a skillet and cook on both sides smearing oil. Serve hot with any curry of your choice. We enjoyed it with Turnip Chayote Curry.

Sending this to the 'Cooking with Fruits' event by Smita and CWS-Flaxseeds event by Priya Suresh guest hosted by Priya of Mharo Rajasthan.

Sending this to Srivalli's Kid's Delight hosted by Nupur of UK-Rasoi, for the month of April 2012.


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