Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Monday, February 21, 2011

Strawberry Iced Tea

Iced tea is a great alternative to the carbonated beverages carrying just sugar and empty calories. I opted for my favorite Strawberry and it came out very well with a light and pretty pink color. Loved it and I am gonna make it more often. 

Tea bags - 2 (May use Black or Green Tea. I used Green) ~ 2 tsp
Water - 600 ml
Strawberries - about 8-10
Water - 1/4 cup
Sugar/Honey - 3 tsp or to taste

Heat 600 ml of water and when it is rolling boil, add the tea bags. After a minute, turn off heat, cover and steep for a minimum of 20-30 mins and allow to cool. Hull the strawberries and finely puree using 1/4 cup of water. Strain and mix this juice to the cooled tea. Add sweetness to taste and serve chilled or with ice-cubes. I just served chilled.

I am sending this to 'Veggie/Fruit a Month - Strawberry' event by Priya of Mharo Rajasthan, guest hosted by Pari. Also sending this to 'Cooking with Fruits' event by Smita.




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