Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pizza dough recipe

Pizza dough recipe

  • 1 tsp yeast (dried, we use Surebake’s active yeast)
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • ½ Cup warm water
  • 1 Cup flour
Mix yeast, sugar and water together. Leave to sit in a warm place for about 7 minutes (until yeast and sugar has dissolved). Add flour and mix to make a firm dough (adding extra flour as necessary). Roll out and now you have your pizza base. I usually bake the base for about 10 minutes at 180oC (350oF), but this is not essential. Then add your toppings according to your taste. I usually spread tomato sauce or tomato paste on first, then add grated cheese, ham (or grilled & chopped bacon), mushrooms, diced tomatoes, pineapple and anything else that takes your fancy.


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