Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spicy Potato Rissoles

Spicy Potato Rissoles
Ingredients :
1 kg potatoes
2 tablespoons mint leaves, chopped finely
2 scallions, chopped finely
1 fresh green chili, seeded and chopped finely
1 egg, beaten
Salt to taste
Breadcrumbs for coating
Oil for frying

Filling :
250 g minced meat

Method :
Boil the potatoes in a pot and then mash it smoothly. Mix in the mint, scallions, chili and salt to taste. Divide the potato mixture into 8 portions and shape each into a flat circle. Place a spoonful of the meat filling in the center and wrap it up, shaping to a thick round patty. Dip in the beaten egg and then coat in breadcrumbs before frying in the hot oil until golden brown. Serve immediately while hot.


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