Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Monthal By chef Shireen anwer


Sugar 2 ½ cups
Water 4 cups
Gram flour ½ kg 
Almonds and pistachio sliced 2 tbsp
Yellow color pinch
Green cardamom 1tsp heaped
Hot Ghee 2 ½ tbsp
Milk 2 ½ tbsp
Extra ghee as required to fry gram flour

Method for 
Sieve gram flour, make a hollow in centre add hot melted ghee mix with a wooden spoon, add 1 tbsp milk then rub with your palms, till mixture resembles bread crumbs. Heat 1 cup ghee and fry above mixture of gram flour very well for about 10 minutes, keep stirring till aroma arises, starts coming, then add 1 tbsp more milk and fry for another 5-7 minutes till light golden, keep stirring, continously.

Method for sugar syrup
Boil 2 ½ cup sugar and 4 cups of water for about 20 minutes, keep stirring till 2 taar formed then add the sugar syrup to the sautéed mixture and stir well then put on stove add 1 tsp milk, and remove from fireimmediately, mix well and remove in a greased thali. Immediately sprinkle sliced almonds and pistachio, green cardamom powder, let it set for 12 hours then cut into pieces.


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