Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lacha kabab by Chef shireen anwer

Lacha kabab

Lacha kabab:

Undercut Beef boti 1 kg
Ginger garlic paste 2 tbsp
Green chilies 15 grinded
Whole red chilies 12
White cumin whole 1 tbsp heaped
Salt 1 ½ tsp
Corn flour 4 tbsp heaped
Allspice 1 tsp
Coriander leaves chopped ½ cup
Green chilies chopped 6
Eggs 2 to 3
Oil for deep frying

Boil undercut botis with 4 cups of water, ginger garlic paste, green chilies grinded, whole button red chilies, white cumin whole and salt, cook till botis tender and water dries completely, cool and chopperise. Remove the chopperise mixture in a bowl add in a corn flour, allspice, chopped coriander and green chilies, eggs 2 or 3 as required, mix all very well, give dum of coal make into long kababs and deep fry.


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