Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Coconut and chocolate chip cookies by chef shireen anwer

Coconut and chocolate chip cookies:

Butter 5 ½ ounce
Flour 8 ounce
Almonds flour 2 ounce
Icing sugar 1 ounce
Almonds ground 1 ounce
Icing sugar 3 ½ ounce
Egg 1
Egg white 1
Salt pinch
Chocolate chips ½ cup
Desiccated coconut to coat

Mix the butter flour almonds flour and icing sugar in the food processor on medium speed until mixture resembles bread crumbs, add the egg, egg whites, pinch of salt, mix for 2 minutes, wrap the dough in a plastic wrap, allow to rest in the fridge for 1 hour, mix in chocolate chips roll the mixture into sausage shape on a floured board roll the dough in desiccated coconut, chill for 10 minutes in freezer, cut the chilled dough into ½ inch thick lay them on a baking sheet, lined with baking paper, bake the cookies in a preheated oven 160 degree C for 15 minutes.


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