Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Chicken chapli kabab by Chef Shireen anwer

Chicken chapli kabab by Chef Shireen anwer

Chicken chapli kabab

Chicken mince ½ kg
Cornflour 2 tbsp
Roasted and crushed coriander 1 ½ tsp
Crushed Pomegranate seeds 1 tbsp
Tomato 1 cut into tiny cubes
Onion ground 2
baking soda a pinch
Egg 1
Green chilies 6 chopped
Gram flour 1 tbsp
Crushed red pepper 1 ½ tsp
Roasted and crushed cumin 1 tsp
Coriander leaves 2 tbsp chopped

1. Marinate minced chicken for two hours with 2tbsp corn flour, Roasted and crushed coriander 1 ½ tsp, Pomegranate seeds 1 tbsp crushed, Tomato 1 cut into tiny cubes, 2 raw ground onions a pinch of baking soda, 1 Egg,6 chopped Green chilies, 1tbsp Gram flour, 1 1/2tsp Crushed red pepper, 1tsp roasted and crushed cumin
2. Divide the mixture into equal portions and shape into big flat kababs
3. Heat ghee on a griddle and fry both the sides till it turns crispy and golden brown in color.


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