Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Haryali fried chicken by Chef Shireen anwer

Haryali fried chicken by Chef Shireen anwer

Haryali fried chicken :

Chicken 1 kg made into 8 pieces
Coriander leaves ½ bunch
Mint leaves 12
Salt 1 ½ tsp
Yogurt 4 tbsp
Ginger garlic 1 tbsp
Egg 1
Green chilies 8

Ingredients for batter
Flour 4 tbsp heaped
Gram flour 2 tbsp
Rice flour 1 tbsp
Eggs 2
Grinded hara masala 1 tbsp
Salt ½ tsp

Grind together coriander leaves, mint leaves and green chilies, mix with yogurt and egg, marinate chicken in this with salt, ginger garlic paste for 2 hours, then steam chicken for 20 minutes till nearly tender, remove, cool and dip in prepared batter and deep fry. Serve sprinkled with chat masala.


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