Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lamingtons by Chef Shireen anwer

Lamingtons by Chef Shireen anwer


Flour 2 cups
Baking powder 2 tsp
Salt ¼ tsp
Egg 2 large
Softened butter ½ cup
Fine sugar ¾ cup
Vanilla 1 tsp
Milk ½ cup
Ingredients for icing
Icing sugar 2 cups
Coco powder 3 tbsp
Butter 3 tbsp
Milk or cream ½ cup
Desiccated coconut as required

Preheat oven to 180 degree C, grease your 8*8 inch square tin, sieve together flour, baking powder and salt, keep aside. Beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, add the eggs 1 at a time beat well after adding each egg, add vanilla, use a spatula to alternating add the flour mixture and milk in 3 additions, starting and finishing with the flour spread the batter into the cake tin evenly, bake for 30 minutes, cook the cake in the tin for 5 minutes then turn on a wire rack to cool.

Method for icing

In a heat proof bowl put icing sugar, coco powder, butter and milk and cook over a sauce pan of simmering water, stir the mixture until it is smooth but still a bit thick. Place the cake pieces on the wire rack, cut it into squares of desire size, quickly coat the pieces on all sides in the icing mixture and then add gently roll in desiccated coconut.


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