Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Marshall Field's Special Sandwich

The Walnut Room, Marshall Field's Special 
Sandwich. Memories of a truly amazing 
department store on Chicago's State Street.
It was always a wonderful place to go for 
lunch. Sadly, Fields is no longer, but you can
 still make their signature sandwich
The 'sandwich' is in fact a mountainous, delightful 
salad. It's no longer served at the new 'Macy's, 
so here's a step-by-step way to assemble them. 
This is a great use for after-Thanksgiving turkey 
or whenever you have leftover turkey breast.
 Butter one slice of good fresh rye bread. 
(I used 2 smaller pieces.)
 Lay on Swiss cheese.
Add a few turkey slices then 
top with some iceberg lettuce slices.
 Top with a large outer leaf to create a dome.
 Top with a few more turkey slices.
 Spoon on good, preferably homemade 1000 Island
Dressing. Top with crisp bacon slices, hardboiled 
egg slices and tomato slices. Add a  sprig of
 parsley or basil to the top.  
 Layers of deliciousness! 
A little bite of everything on my fork. 
Marshall Field's Special Sandwich
Iceberg lettuce
Turkey, thinly sliced
1000 Island Dressing, my easy homemade recipe HERE
Swiss cheese
Fresh good rye bread
Butter, softened
Bacon, 2 sliced cooked
Slice if hardboiled egg
Slice of tomato
How To Assemble:
1. Butter the rye bread and place on large plate.
2. Cover bread with Swiss cheese slice.
3. Next add 1 or 2 thin slices of turkey to cover.
4. Remove the large outer leaves from the lettuce
    and set aside.
5. Slice the some of the remaining lettuce into a
    few large sections and arrange a section on top
    of the turkey and Swiss cheese.
6. Cover the open-face 'sandwich' with the big
     outer lettuce leaf.
7. Top that leaf with several slices of turkey,
8. Spoon an ample amount of 1000 dressing over
     the top, allowing it to drizzle down the sides.
9. Add the bacon slices, criss-cross on top.
10. Add tomato slice and egg slice, top mound
      with a parsley sprig.
Serve immediately.


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