Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Monday, July 28, 2014

Potato Boats ~Twice Baked Potatoes

I love having a few bags of these in the freezer.
 Whenever I make them I always make a big batch
while I'm at it and freeze the extras.  
Stuffed potatoes go great any grilled meat.
 We'll have two with our steak dinner tonight.
I freeze the extras on a cookie sheet until solid,
then  pop them, two in each sandwich bag, 
In the freezer for future easy dinners.
 First, bake or microwave russet potatoes
until soft. Cut in half and scoop out leaving
about 1/4 inch potato in shell..
 Mash with remaining ingredients.
 Mix in sour cream.
 Evenly distribute among potato shells.
I sprinkled the top with minced chives, a
little more cheese and a dash of paprika.
 These are frozen and I can let them thaw and 
bake in a toaster oven  (bake longer if still frozen).
The ingredients are very flexible to adjust to 
your liking. Here's how I make mine. 

Twice Baked Potatoes
6 large baking potatoes
1-1/2 t garlic salt
1/4 to 1/2 t pepper
1/4 C butter
1 C milk
1/2 C sour cream
2 C shredded Cheddar cheese
5 green onions, thinly chopped
 or 4 T minced c hives
paprika for garnish
Pierce skin of potatoes and bake @ 425º for about
50-60 minutes, until tender. Slice potatoes in half and 
scoop out the pulp into a bowl. Mash with milk, butter, 
garlic salt, and pepper, until fluffy. Stir in the sour cream, 
half the cheese and half the chives. Spoon the  mixture 
into the potato skins, dividing evenly. Sprinkle with
 the remaining cheese and chives. Sprinkle a little
paprika on top for color. Refrigerate until needed or bake
 right away at 375º for 15 minutes. You can freeze extras
on a cookie sheet and when solid pot them into 
plastic bags. Thaw before baking.


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