Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Peanut Butter ~ 3 ways - Guest Post by Priya of Bon Appetit

The Guest Post series in my blog was on a break last month since I was on a blog break. I am still trying to get back to blogging by posting atleast once in a week but still working on the possibilities. Meanwhile for this month on the guest post series I have Priya Sreeram of Bon Appetit. She has a lovely space with a colorful array of dishes. Her 'A La Carte' menu card is sure to draw your attention and have you read twice. My favorite dishes which I have marked for trying are the Stuffed Paniyaram and the Potato in groundnut & Onion Curry.
I have had peanut butter flavored snack bars and chocolates but have never really tasted peanut butter. Ok Ok.. I hear you saying "You are kidding right?". But that is true. Somehow never really got into try it. And now this would be another shocking news to many or almost all. I have never tasted Nutella - The chocolate hazelnut bliss.. Now I hear you saying "You must be crazy.." Priya's Peanut butter recipe below has instigated the interest in me to try both very soon.

Krithi’s invitation to share my hearth adventures in her space saw me doing a happy jig as it is always a pleasure when a blogger asks for a guest post. While she is busy with her bundle of joy, I am here to light her space with this simple but elegant spread/dip.
Peanuts is a great source of plant protein and nutrients and eating it in moderation has health benefits.I love peanut butter and if you follow my hearth adventures, you would know very well that licking it direct from the bottle is my favorite way of eating it up. I hence prefer making it at home as it is simple and gentle on the pockets. It is definitely a healthier option as well as store bought peanut butter is generally loaded with preservatives.
Here are some ways of how I bring variety to the spread. I generally eye the measurements while making and hence the quantity mentioned in the recipes can be varied to suit one’s taste palette.

Crunchy N Salted Peanut Butter
The most simplest way of making the butter and very tasty too.
Peanuts  (Roasted) – 2 cups
Olive Oil – 1 to 2 tbsp (You can also use peanut oil/vegetable oil/canola oil)
Salt – to taste

Bake or dry roast the peanuts to get started. Tip it into a food processor and give it a good swirl. Add olive oil and continue blending it till it comes together. Add salt to taste. Tip it to an airtight container. I usually add a handful of roughly chopped peanuts to the final mix for a chunky butter.
Note:  If you prefer a sweeter version, you can tip in brown sugar or honey or alternatively use jaggery.

Coffee kissed Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter
This is my most favourite way of making peanut butter. The hit of coffee in every lick gives the butter a different high.
Peanuts (Roasted and unsalted) – 2 cup
Dark Chocolate (melted) – ¼ cup ( I used Bournville Dark Chocolate)
Instant Coffee – 1 ½ tsp to 2 tsp (I used Instant Nescafe Powder)
Honey - to taste

Melt dark chocolate in a microwave or alternatively using double boiler method. Grind peanuts till creamy, scraping sides. Blend in melted chocolate, honey and coffee powder. Store in a airtight container.
Note: You can add Cocoa Powder and/or Drinking Chocolate to the mix instead of using dark chocolate.

Dark Chocolate and Banana flavoured Peanut Butter 
(Source: Dinner Dishes & Desserts)
The addition of dried banana chips was an interesting addition. Sometimes, I add a dollop or two of Nutella Hazelnut Spread to the recipe.
Peanuts (roasted n unsalted) – 2 cups
Dried Banana Chips – ¼ cup
Dark Chocolate melted – ¼ cup
Vanilla Extract – 1 tsp
Salt – ¼ tsp
Nutella - 2 to 3 tbsp (optional) / my twist to the recipe

Grind peanuts till creamy, scraping sides occasionally. Add banana chips and grind. Blend in chocolate, vanilla, salt. While the blend tastes good like this you can induce more pep to it by mixing Nutella.
Enjoy !


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