Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Doughnuts by Chef shireen anwer

chocolate frosting


Flour 1 kg
Caster sugar 4 ounces
Butter melted 200 gm
Salt 1 tsp leveled
Instant yeast 2 tbsp
Eggs 4
Powder milk 1 cup
Luke warm water to knead

In a bowl put Flour 1 kg, Caster sugar 4 ounces ,Butter melted 200 gm ,Salt 1 tsp leveled
Instant yeast 2 tbsp ,Eggs 4,then add 1cup powder milk and knead with luke warm water into a very soft dough, leave to rise in a greased bowl for 1 hour till double in volume.

2. Punch down the dough, divide into equal portions then shape into smooth balls.
3. Press lightly on a foil lined tray and with a small round cutter take out hole to give shape of doughnut, again cover and leave to rise for 35 to 45 minutes .
4. Deep fry on a very low flame


Ingredients for chocolate frosting
Icing sugar 1 cup
Butter 1 tsp heaped
Cocoa powder 1 tbsp leveled
Water 2 tbsp

1. In a pan put Icing sugar 1 cup, butter 1 tsp heaped, cocoa powder 1 tbsp leveled, water 2 tbsp, cook for 1 minute and chill.
2. When slightly thick and glossy, dip doughnuts in prepared chocolate frosting then roll in any decoration or white chocolate grated or any nuts.

glazed doughnuts

For glazed doughnuts
Icing sugar as required
Roll fried doughnuts in icing sugar from both sides.

Strawberry glaze


Strawberry glaze
Icings sugar 1 cup
Water 2 to 3 tbsp
Strawberry essence 2 drops
Pink color 1 drop

1. Put 1 cup icing sugar, 2-3 tbsp of water, 2 drops of strawberry essence and 1 drop pink color in a pan.
2. Cook until slightly thick. Dip doughnut and prepare strawberry glaze
3. Sprinkle pink sugar on top.

enjoy :)


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