Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Friday, August 31, 2012

Announcing Serve It Series - Serve It - Microwaved

This month's theme for Serve It series is Serve It - MicrowavedThis theme is to break the notion that microwave oven is used only for reheating purposes. These days Microwave Oven has become almost a must for every kitchen. This little kitchen appliance makes our life so much easier. It is a great addition to the everyday kitchen and when we know how to use, it saves a lot of time and energy. One more plus is less dishes to do. In a single bowl you can cook, serve, store and reheat. Any dish can be prepared in a microwave oven ranging from sweets, curries, rice and even grilled food. Deep frying is not possible in MW oven though. This month's Serve It event is all about Microwave cooking. Try out your favorite recipes and send it over!
Here are the guidelines for the event:
1. You may send in any entry that is cooked in a microwave oven.
2. You may use other appliances like mixie/blender/grinder for the preparation process but the whole cooking process (even tadka) should be done in the microwave oven. No use of stove-top is allowed.
3. Mentioning the MW oven wattage and correct cooking time for each step is mandatory.
4. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes are allowed.
5. Please link back to this announcement page and also to Denny's page here.
6. New entries are appreciated, however if you are sending archived entries, please re-post as latest (with a date in September 2012) and update with both the links to the announcement page and logo.
7. Usage of links and logo is mandatory.
8. Last date for submission of your entries is September 30, 2012.
9. To submit your entries, just link your entries using the linky tool below.
10. Non-bloggers also can send their entries with a picture to the below email-id.
11. If you have a problem in linking email us your problem to serveit[dot]series[at]gmail[dot]com. We will try to resolve it.
Note: If the entries are inappropriate to the theme, we would have to remove the entries from the linky sans notification. If there are other issues like link or logo missing we would definitely notify through email.
Linky for Microwaved entries:

White chicken korma by Chef Shireen anwer

White chicken korma:

Chicken 1 kg 12 pieces
Green chilies 6
Coriander leaves 2 tbsp ground into a paste
Cashew nuts 20 ground
Yogurt 1 cup
Salt 1 ½ tsp
Oil ½ cup
Crushed garlic 1 tbsp
Boiled eggs 3

• In a pan put the chicken along with 2 cups of water along with the ground green chilies ,coriander leaves and salt.
• Cover and cook for 15 minutes till chicken is half done. Mix the yogurt with the cashew nut paste and add to the chicken mixture.
• Cook till the chicken is tender and a thick gravy left.
• Heat oil in another pan add the crushed garlic, fry till light golden add to the chicken mixture, mix well and remove.
• Serve garnished with boiled eggs.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Red velvet cup cakes by Chef Shireen anwer

Red velvet cup cakes by Chef Shireen anwer

Red velvet cup cakes:

Flour 2 ½ cup
Cocoa powder 2 tsp
Baking powder 1 tsp 
baking soda 1 tsp
Salt ½ tsp
Butter milk 1 cup
Red food color 1 tbsp
White vinegar 1 tbsp
Vanilla 1 tbsp
Butter soft 5 ounces
Sugar 1 ½ cup
Eggs 2

1. Preheat oven to 180 degree C, line muffin tins with paper liner
2. Sieve together flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
3. Keep aside, in a measuring jug, whisk together butter milk, color, vinegar and vanilla
4. Beat butter and sugar on medium speed until light, add in eggs 1 at a time, beating well
5. On a low speed alternately add the dry ingredients and wet ingredients to the bowl beginning and ending with dry ingredients, beat until everything is mixed
6. Divide the batter evenly among the prepared liner, bake for 20 to 25 minutes until done. Decorate with cream cheese frosting.

Ingredients for cream cheese frosting
Cream cheese 4 tbsp
Shortening or butter ½ cup
Icing sugar 4 tbsp
Vanilla essence ½ tsp

Beat all together.

Chicken faroosh by chef Shireen anwer

Chicken faroosh

Chicken faroosh:

Chicken 1 kg with skin prick well
Ginger garlic 1 tbsp
Salt 1 ½ tsp
White pepper ½ tsp
Paprika 1 tbsp heaped
Lemon juice 4 tbsp
Oil ½ cup for basting

1. Prick chicken well and marinate with Ginger garlic 1 tbsp, Salt 1 ½ tsp, White pepper ½ tsp, Paprika 1 tbsp heaped, Lemon juice 4 tbsp for at least 2 hours
2. Place in a baking tray, bake in a preheated oven 180 degree C for 45 minutes, keep adding 1 tbsp oil on top of the chicken after every 10 minutes.
3. Bake till chicken is tender and brown.

Chicken donor by Chef Shireen anwer

                                    chicken doner

Chicken donor:

Chicken breast 3 thinly sliced 400 gm
Salt ½ tsp
Black pepper ½ tsp
Garlic paste ½ tsp
Worcestershire sauce 2 tbsp
Lemon juice 2 tbsp
Oil 2 tbsp
Pita bread 4
Cabbage Julian ½ cup
Cucumber sliced with skin Julian ½ cup
Tomato Julian ½ cup
Capsicum Julian ½ cup
Yogurt 2 tbsp
Tahini 1 tbsp
Garlic paste ¼ tsp
Jerkins sliced 6 to 8

1. Marinate chicken with salt, black pepper, garlic, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice
2. Pan fry chicken in 2 tbsp oil till tender for about 7 to 8 minutes.
3. Remove and cool slightly, mix with all julienne cut vegetables
4. Make pockets in the iota bread and stuff with the prepared mixture .
5. Top with yogurt and tahini , fold and serve

Roghni nan by hef Shireen anwer

Roghni nan

Roghni nan

Flour 3 cups
Yogurt 5 tbsp
Powdered milk 2 tbsp

Instant yeast 1 tbsp
Egg 1
Oil ¼ cup
Salt ½ tsp
Sesame seeds for sprinkling
Sugar 1 tsp heaped
Soda by carb ½ tsp
Milk as required for brushing

1. In a bowl add Flour 3 cups, Yogurt 5 tbsp, Powdered milk 2 tbsp, Instant yeast 1 tbsp, Egg 1, Oil ¼ cup, Salt ½ tsp, Sugar 1 tsp heaped and Soda by carb ½ tsp
2. Knead with Luke warm water into a soft dough, place in a greased bowl, cover in a warm place until its volume doubles
3. Punch down the dough, knead again, divide the dough into 4 pieces
4. Shape each into a ball, flatten each into round or oval, place them in a greased baking tray, brush with milk, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake in a pre heated oven 200 degree C for 8 to 10 minutes until light golden
5. Immediately remove from oven, spray with water, cover in foil and keep until required to use.

Almond cake by Chef Shireen anwer

Almond cake:

Ingredients for cake
Butter 6 ounce
Sugar 5 ounce
Eggs 3
Khoya ½ cup
Golden syrup 2 tbsp
Almonds essence ¼ tsp
Flour 4 ounce
Baking powder 1 ½ tsp
Almonds ground 2 ounce
Ingredients for 

Almonds 50 gm whole slit from centre
Almonds 100 gm coarsely ground
Butter 2 ounce to grease the cake tin

1. Grease your 9 inch cake tin with 2 ounce butter very well on the sides and base.
2. Sprinkle the almonds well to coat the sides and bottom, arrange the whole slit almonds on base.
Method for cake
1. Beat butter and sugar well, add in 1 egg at a time, beat well add the second egg alternating with sieved flour, baking flour and almond mixture.
2. Add in essence and Khoya. Lastly add the 3rd egg and beat well, fold in the remaining sieved flour, baking powder and almonds mixture.
3. Pour In a tin mould and bake at 180 degree C for 40 minutes.
4. Remove from the oven .Allow to cool and invert the cake.

Baloushahi by Chef Shireen anwer


Ghee 180g
Baking powder I pinch
Cream of tartar 1pinch
Ground nutmeg, mace and cardamom 1 pinch
Flour 1/2kg
Yogurt 75g
Icecold water 180g
Ghee for frying
For the syrup
Sugar 1/2kg
Water 1 liter

Heat 180g of ghee in a pan, and turn the flame off.
In a large flat pan mix 75g yogurt, a pinch of baking powder, 1 pinch cream of tartar , 1/2kg flour and 1 pinch of ground nutmeg, mace and cardamom .
Mix the ingredients well, add in the ice cold water and knead into a smooth dough.
Divide the dough into equal portions and shape into round balls. Press the middle of each round ball of dough with your thumb to make a small dent.
Add the Luke warm ghee in the wok and deep fry the prepared baloshahi , moving the wok gently.
When the baloushahi rise to the surface of the ghee, increase the flame.
When they turn golden brown in color turn the flame off. Don’t remove the baloshahis from the ghee, ensuring they are well cooked.
Dip the mithai in the prepared sugar syrup for five minutes. Now place the baloshahi on a tray and pour the sugar syrup on top 2-3 times.

Doughnuts by Chef shireen anwer

chocolate frosting


Flour 1 kg
Caster sugar 4 ounces
Butter melted 200 gm
Salt 1 tsp leveled
Instant yeast 2 tbsp
Eggs 4
Powder milk 1 cup
Luke warm water to knead

In a bowl put Flour 1 kg, Caster sugar 4 ounces ,Butter melted 200 gm ,Salt 1 tsp leveled
Instant yeast 2 tbsp ,Eggs 4,then add 1cup powder milk and knead with luke warm water into a very soft dough, leave to rise in a greased bowl for 1 hour till double in volume.

2. Punch down the dough, divide into equal portions then shape into smooth balls.
3. Press lightly on a foil lined tray and with a small round cutter take out hole to give shape of doughnut, again cover and leave to rise for 35 to 45 minutes .
4. Deep fry on a very low flame


Ingredients for chocolate frosting
Icing sugar 1 cup
Butter 1 tsp heaped
Cocoa powder 1 tbsp leveled
Water 2 tbsp

1. In a pan put Icing sugar 1 cup, butter 1 tsp heaped, cocoa powder 1 tbsp leveled, water 2 tbsp, cook for 1 minute and chill.
2. When slightly thick and glossy, dip doughnuts in prepared chocolate frosting then roll in any decoration or white chocolate grated or any nuts.

glazed doughnuts

For glazed doughnuts
Icing sugar as required
Roll fried doughnuts in icing sugar from both sides.

Strawberry glaze


Strawberry glaze
Icings sugar 1 cup
Water 2 to 3 tbsp
Strawberry essence 2 drops
Pink color 1 drop

1. Put 1 cup icing sugar, 2-3 tbsp of water, 2 drops of strawberry essence and 1 drop pink color in a pan.
2. Cook until slightly thick. Dip doughnut and prepare strawberry glaze
3. Sprinkle pink sugar on top.

enjoy :)

Profit Rolls By Chef Shireen anwer

Profit Rolls

Water 4 ounces
Butter 2 ounces
Flour 2 ounces
Egg 2
Salt a pinch
Fresh cream whipped 1 cup
Icing sugar 1 ounce

Ingredients for chocolate icing 
Butter 1 ounce
Icing sugar 4 ounce
Water 1 tbsp
Cocoa powder 2 tbsp
Cooking chocolate 2 tbsp
Cream 2 tbsp

Method for Ć©clairs 
1. In a pan, put water, butter and salt and cook till the mixture begins to boil
2. Add in flour, and mix quickly. Cook till the mixture forms balls in the centre and leaves the sides of the pan. Remove from fire. Add in eggs 1 at a time. Whip the mixture
3. Fill the batter in icing bag and pipe out long lengthwise strips on a greased tray and bake on 300 degrees centigrade for 25 minutes.
4. Cool and slit Ć©clairs from side. Fill with fresh cream. Dip top in chocolate icing.
Method for icing
Mix one ounce of butter, 4 ounces of icing sugar,1tbsp water,2tbsp cocoa powder , 2tbsp cooking chocolate and 2tbsp cream together and cook for 2 minutes. Remove and use.

Chicken Tikka Biryani y Chef Shireen anwer

Chicken Tikka Biryani

Chicken Tikka Biryani:

Chicken 1 kg
Vinegar 4 tbsp
Chili powder 1 tbsp
All spice 1 tsp
Ginger garlic 1 tbsp
Black pepper 1 tsp
Orange color ¼ tsp
Salt 1-1/2 tsp
Oil ¼ cup

Ingredients for Masala
Yogurt 1 cup
Chili powder 1 tsp
Turmeric ½ tsp
Coriander powder 1-1/2 tsp
Onion (chopped) 2
Tomatoes 4
Yellow color ¼ tsp
Kevra water 1 tsp
Coriander leaves (chopped) 2 tbsp
Mint leaves 15
Green chilies chopped 4
Oil 1 cup
Rice (boil with 2 tsp salt) ½ kg
Whole spices 1 tbsp

1. Marinate chicken with vinegar, chili powder, all spice powder, ginger garlic paste, black pepper and orange color for 30 minutes.
2. Cook chicken in 2 tbsp oil on low flame till done about 20 minutes. To give that BBQ flavor give smoke of coal .
Method for Masala
1. Heat oil, add chopped onion. Fry for 5 minutes till light golden.
2. Add chopped tomatoes with chili powder, turmeric and coriander powder. Fry well. Add yogurt fry well, add chicken with chopped greens, mix and remove. Boil rice with salt and whole spices till 3/4th done. Give layers cover and simmer for a 5 minutes

Hotdog buns by Chef Shireen anwer

Hotdog buns

Hotdog buns:

Flour 1 kg
Sugar 3 tbsp
Eggs 2
Salt 1 tsp
Butter 3 ounces
Instant yeast 2 tbsp
Water to knead

1. In a bowl add flour 1 kg, Sugar 3 tbsp, Eggs 2, Salt 1 tsp, Butter 3 ounces, Instant yeast 2 tbsp and knead to smooth soft dough with Luke warm water as required.
1. Leave to rise for 45 minutes .Divide the dough into equal portions and shape each piece into an oval
2. Pinch edges and ends to seal.
3. Allow to rise for 20-25 minutes. Brush with beaten egg.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degree C for 20 minutes.

Hard roll by Chef Shireen anwer

Hard roll

Hard roll:


Flour ½ kg
Salt ½ tsp
Sugar 1 tbsp
Instant yeast 1 tbsp


1. In a bowl mix together 1/2kg flour,1/2tsp salt,1tbsp sugar and 1tbsp yeast to and knead into a smooth dough
2. Shape into a round ball, shape well, slit crisscross with the help of a scissor
3. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes on 200 degree C.

Hamburger buns by Chef Shireen Anwer

Hamburger buns

Hamburger buns:

Flour 1 kg
Sugar 3 tbsp
Eggs 2
Salt 1 tsp
Butter 3 ounces
Instant yeast 2 tbsp
Water to knead

1. In a bowl add flour 1 kg, Sugar 3 tbsp, Eggs 2, Salt 1 tsp, Butter 3 ounces, Instant yeast 2 tbsp and knead to smooth soft dough with Luke warm water as required.
2. Allow to rise for 45 minutes.
3. Divide into equal portions and shape into 4 ounces balls,
1. Shape neatly into buns, place them on a greased baking tray let them rise again.
2. Brush with eggs, sprinkle sesame seeds, bake on 200 degree C for 20 minutes.

French loaf by Chef Shireen anwer

French loaf by Chef Shireen anwer

French loaf:

Flour ½ kg
Salt ½ tsp
Sugar 1 tbsp
Instant yeast 1 tbsp

1. Sift flour; make a well in centre add salt, sugar, yeast and enough water to knead to smooth dough.
2. Put in a greased bowl leave to rise until double in volume about 45 minutes.
3. Shape into a loaf about 12 inches long and shape .Make slits from top, leave for proofing for 30 minutes.
4. Glaze with beaten egg, sprinkle some sesame seeds, bake for 30 minutes on 200 degree C.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wriggly Squirmy Jelly Worms

Wriggly Squirmy Jelly Worms

Wriggly Squirmy Jelly Worms:

2 packs Raspberry jelly (jello)
1 pkg unflavored gelatin (for extra firmness)
3/4 cup whipping cream
3 cups boiling water
100 flexible straws (or enough to fill your container)
Tall container/cup

1) Make Jelly as per instructions and add gelatine
2) Let it cool to lukewarm and then add the whipping cream
3) Gather your straws (don't forget to flex them out) and put them in the container. It's important that the straws have a tight fit so the jello stays in the straws. If you have a bigger container, a rubber band around the straws is helpful. Or you could just add more straws to fill the container.
4) Add the jelly to the straw-filled container and let it set until firm.
5) Hold the straws under warm water. The worms will slip right out.

serve this as topping like custard, ice-creams , puddings and others.

Chocolate cups

Here's an easier version of the Balloon Chocolate Bowl 
Just make sure you let the Chocolate cool slightly first or... POP!! 

blow up some Balloon according to the size of cup you need. 
melt a tempered chocolate.
take a tray , put a butter papaer on it ,drop some chocolate to make base on butter paper.

dip slightly a balloon in a melted chocolate and stand ballon on chocolate base.
it will stick easily. do same method with all ballo0ns.
than take her time to set very well, and refrigerate it for about 20 mints.
then in last, un-thread the balloons,and let air pass slowly from it.

otherwise it will ruin.
Enjoy :) 

about our new fruit company.

 about our new fruit company. 
As long as I remember I love cooking and feel happy when I cook something which others buy from the store .and that’s why I love making jam jellies and fruit spreads and sauces in home. My family ,relatives and friends know that  it’s never a work for me but it’s a hobby which is very dear to my heart. and all this start from my mom plum jam and my sister mehnaz mango jam .as a child a adore home made jam jellies and marmalades .
After I come to America I make plum jam every year in the season and give it free to my friends and family and every body loved it .and many give me the idea to start jam company after thinking ask everyone take all the help ,me and my friend majidah we start a new fruit preserving company called {A.M orchard preserves  }and we sell organic and regular jam jellies marmalade, sauces the homemade style and we do everything by hand all these bottles are handmade with the love and care. 
We also sell local  organic all natural honey .
There are many reason that I want to share it with you which make our product special from store brought jam and jellies  and these reason are .
We don’t add preservatives, chemical or artificial flavors.  
We use less sugar and more fruit.
We try our best the find fruit that are local ,organic or freshly picked.
We make jam in small batches ,and we can customize jam according to your needs .less sugar ,or no sugar let us know
We use fruit pectin
We love making them.
We use natural ingredients
We sell 10 different flavors and they are
Mango, mango and peach ,organic peach,strawberries,organic raspberries, plum,gavava ,orange marmalade, organic fig with apple, tomato and orange,apricot,chunky mango
Mix berries, and so on.
And for more information or question please visit

Dinner roll by Chef Shireen anwer

Dinner roll by Chef Shireen anwer

Dinner roll:

Flour 1 kg
Sugar 3 tbsp
Eggs 2
Salt 1 tsp
Butter 3 ounces
Instant yeast 2 tbsp
Water to knead

1. In a bowl add flour 1 kg, Sugar 3 tbsp, Eggs 2, Salt 1 tsp, Butter 3 ounces, Instant yeast 2 tbsp and knead to smooth soft dough with Luke warm water as required.
2. Leave to rise for 45 minutes then make into desired shapes as demonstrated, cover and let them rise again, brush with beaten egg, bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes on 200 degree C.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chicken malai handi by Chef Shireen anwer

Chicken malai handi

Chicken malai handi:

Boneless chicken breast cut into breast 1 kg
Sesame seeds 2 tbsp
Poppy seeds 1 tbsp
Cashew nuts 12
Yogurt ½ cup
Salt 1 ½ tsp
White pepper ½ tsp
Black pepper ½ tsp
Ginger garlic paste 2 tbsp
Cream 3 to 4 tbsp
Butter 2 tbsp

Grind together very finely sesame seeds, poppy seeds and cashew nuts, mix with yogurt, salt, white pepper, black pepper, ginger garlic and cream, leave to marinate chicken in this mixture for 2 hours, heat butter and ¼ cup oil in a handi, put marinated chicken, leave it on low flame for 20 minutes till done, serve garnish with coriander leaves and green chilies.

Quiche and Tell: Crab Quiche

I love quiche, so I made this old one from my
 recipe file over the weekend. Crab Quiche.
This yummy quiche has a few unusual ingredients.
If you have a piecrust ready, the rest of the 
ingredients are quickly mixed together. 
Shredded cheddar cheese, eggs,
sour cream, a can of French fried onions
a can of crabmeat, and seasonings. 
 Mix that all together.
 Pour into an unbaked pie shell.
 Bake for 35 minutes.
 A green salad or tomato salad would be a 
nice side. We had tea, but wine would be nice
too for company. A chocolate chip bundt
cake for dessert, company or not!
 Brunch or lunch.
Leftovers for the next day...a bonus! 
Ok, here's the recipe, because I quiche and tell!

Crab Quiche
3 XL eggs slightly beaten
1 can French fried onions, crushed
1 can crabmeat, drained 
1 C sour cream
1 C shredded cheddar cheese, 4-oz
garlic or seasoned salt, pepper, Old Bay
(season as desired)
Mix all ingredients and pour into an
unbaked pie shell. Bake @350 for 35 minutes.
Let rest for 5 minutes before cutting.

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