Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ice Cream Cake By Chef Zarnak

Ice Cream Cake


Chocolate cake (cut in half) 9 inches
Milk ¼ cup
Vanilla ice cream 2 liters
Chocolate ice cream 1 liter
Fudge sauce 1 cup
Cherries to decorate
Cream to decorate


Line a 9” spring form tin with cling and place a thin chocolate sponge cake on the base. Moisten with some milk. Spread half of the plain vanilla ice cream on it, let chill till set, then top with the chocolate ice cream, let set, pour over fudge sauce and swirl in, let set and add the remaining vanilla ice cream, let set again. Top with fudge sauce and decorate with cherries and piped cream. Freeze and serve cut in slices or wedges.


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