Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spicy barbecued lamb leg.

There  are some food that you know everybody will love it ,and you will be proud to serve it to your special guests .and this is one of them. I make this recipe for every time we have some special guest coming .and everybody ask for more .
And if you have some left over make a sandwich the next day.
spicy lamb leg with steam vegetables.

Spicy barbecued lamb leg.
In Peshawar lamb legs mostly serve in wedding and special dinner party if you
barbecue it properly this is one special recipe. 


2  whole red or green chili
Juice of one lemon
3tbsp apple cider vinegar
3tbsp canola oil
¼ cup chopped cilantro
3 cloves of garlic
2tbsp freshly grated ginger
1Tbsp salt 
1Tbsp freshly ground black pepper
2tsp paprika powder
1tsp sugar
1 leg of lamb

slice and enjoy

In blender add all the ingredients blend until thick sauce made.
Now prepare the leg with a sharp knife prick all over the leg meat, rub the sauce all
The leg and place in nonmetallic large dish. And leave to marinate for over night.
Remove the lamb from marinade    and reserve the sauce for brushing. Place the
lamb on baking rack or large baking dish and bake it in preheated oven for 1 hour
cover with foil, turn the lamb after every 20 minutes total baking time 1 hour then
finish off on preheated grill turn after 15 minutes cook for 30 minutes until golden
and fully cooked transfer the lamb to chopping board and let it rest for 10 minutes
cut the lamb into slices across the grain and serve with salad and mint sauce. 
second part of lamb leg  yum.

The same recipe   can be used for marinate chicken or any other meat.


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