Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

rice pudding [keer]

single serving kheer.
 Kheer is  Pakistani  style rice pudding  and there is something very special about it. Its creamy it’s yummy and it’s sweet .
And I like it because after eating spicy hot food its cool you down and you will never  have heart burn .
And  all the ingredients usually are on hand ,this quick dessert  will be your favorite sweet dish because it’s much healthier than cake .
And I have two options for you  1. Simple kheer 
2. home made kheer mix.

kheer made with home made kheer mix
                              My mom style                                    KHEER.
5 cups whole milk
1-cup water.
3 tbsp cream optional
1/2-cup long grain rice
1/2-cup sugar
1 cup mixed nuts, almonds
Pistachio, raisins
4 green cardamom, crushed
Pinch of saffron
Wash and soak rice for 1 hour, drain and cook rice in 1-cup water, when the rice is cooked.

Let it cool little bit, add cooked rice and milk in a blender and blend it for 1 minute, pour in to the Heavy bottom saucepan, cook it on medium heat stirring frequently with wooden spoon.

Add sugar and half of chopped nuts, saffron and cardamoms, stir well, and cook until the kheer grains become soft.

And the kheer gets thick and creamy. Add cream and remove from heat garnish with nuts.
Serve cold.

Home made kheer mix.

1 cup basmati rice
3 cups warm water
1 cup sugar
1 cup mix nut chopped
almond ,pistachios, pine nut etc
7 green cardamoms
pinch of saffron.


Wash and soak the rice in 3 cups of warm water for 1 hour.
Drain  the rice completely.
Now  add this rice to a baking tray in single layer and bake it on the lowest temperature of your oven for 25 minutes or until the rice dry completely .
Add to food processor along with sugar cardamoms and pulse it for few times .the mixture should be similar to Bulgar wheat add chopped nuts saffron and add to plastic bag and label the bag with home made kheer mix. now  you are ready to go  for any time quick dessert.
Just add to boiling  milk stir constantly and cook  until fully soften  pour in serving dish,  cool and serve.


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