Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Friday, January 27, 2012

chapli kebab

                                          chapli kabab in different shape 

Chapli kabab is one of the most  popular  street foods in Peshawar and people from all around come to enjoy this yummy kabab. chapli kabab is  a patty made from beef mince, corn flour and simple blend of spices . The word Chapli comes from the Pashto word Chaprikh which means flat. It is prepared flat and round and served with naan. The dish originates from Mardan.N.W.F.P Pakistan.

Serves 2|Preparation  time:20|Cooking time:20

                    Chapli  Kabab
Enjoy this yummy  kabab with naan and don’t forget to end the meal with big pot of green tea.


1 cup minced beef/lamb or goat meat
4 tbsp corn flour
Pinch of mango powder
2 tbsp dry pomegranate seeds
3 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp crushed red chili
1 tsp black pepper
Salt  to taste
2 green onions finely chopped
1 medium size white onion finely chopped
2 tomatoes finely chopped
1 green chili finely chopped
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 half fry egg [optional]


  In a large bowl  mix and knead well the minced meat and corn flour.
 To this mixture add  both green and white onion and the  tomatoes.   knead it again  for 1 minute. 
 Now in pestle and mortar add the pomegranate seeds ,coriander seeds and red chilies. crush these together and add to the minced meat.
Now add salt and pepper, green chili, cumin seeds and fry egg mix well and knead again make  3 inch round kababs .fry the kababs in oil ,cooking  them on both sides till brown.
Serve with lemon, salad, and naan bread.
chapli kebab with naan and mint sauce.


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