Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, January 26, 2012

gulab jamun.

gulab jamun roll in coconut .
There is some thing about sweet soft melt in your mouth gulab jamun .and when its come to Pakistani culture  there is no celebration with out gulab jamun ,so next time you are in mood of celebration any thing add this sweet to your menu and see how quickly it disappears. 
gulab jamun .


1  cup dried milk powder [I use low fat carnation ]
1tsp baking powder
pinch of baking soda
1 egg beaten
2tsp canola oil
3tsp all-purpose flour
Oil for frying

 Sugar syrup

2 cups water
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp  rose water optional
4 cardamoms
Coconut and almonds for garnish
IN a steel pot, combine, sugar and water along with green cardamom, bring to boil mix well till the simple syrup made. Keep the syrup on slow flame to simmer.
Mix dry milk, baking powder, and soda, flour then add oil and mix it with your finger.
In bowl mix egg,  add this egg  mixture to dry mixture little by little until soft dough from . knead it for 1 minute then wet your hand with some oil and divided the dough in to small portion and roll   them in to 17 small balls,
In the frying pan heat oil on slow flame and fry the balls until golden brown.
Add the to sugar syrup give them just one boil and remove, let it stay in the sugar for 30 minutes before serving.
Note. Its very important that the gulab jamun fry on medium flame, so they cook from inside too.
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