Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Sunday, March 2, 2014

How to Make A Perfect Omelet

Being able to cook an omelet is something
everyone needs in their repertoire'.
 Learn to cook one from memory so you are always
ready to make a great breakfast, lunch, and
 sometimes a quick and easy dinner.
For each omelet always use the same proportions;
2 XL eggs and 2 T water.
Water produces a fluffier omelet than milk does.
Whisk the eggs, water, salt and pepper,
 or your choice of seasonings depending on your 
fillings.  (Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, 
curry powder, or soy sauce). I love to use leftovers, 
like salmon or even Chinese food. 
You can choose your favorite fillings using about 
the same amounts as I've used. A favorite is 
fresh spinach, tomatoes and Swiss cheese
I'll show that one here. I use whatever I have 
in the fridge; try mushrooms, onions, peppers,
 ham, shrimp, or any cheese.  
Heat 1 T butter in an 8"-10" non-stick skillet.
Use medium-medium high heat.
I like that in this method you saute your fresh
 vegetables first. You can season a bit here too. 
After sauteing the vegetables about one minute
 keep them in the skillet and add the eggs.
Let them cook for 1 minute;
then use a spatula to lift the edges so that
 the uncooked portion flows underneath. 
Tilt the pan. Cook until almost set, about 1 minute
then cover the pan for another 1 minute. 
Sprinkle with cheese.
Fold in half.
Use the spatula and tilt the pan. 
The filling and cheese are nicely distributed in the 
omelet so every bite is full of all the flavors.
Flip over onto a heated plate.

Spinach~Tomato~Cheese Omelet
2 XL eggs plus 2 T water
1/8t salt and 1/8 t pepper
1 T butter
1 C coarsely chopped spinach
1/3 C chopped tomato
1/3 C shredded Swiss cheese
In a small bowl whisk eggs, water, salt & pepper. 
Melt butter in an 8" skillet over MH heat; 
add spinach and tomatoes, saute 1 minute until
 spinach is wilted. Add egg mixture to skillet, 
let cook 1 minute then gently lift edges with
 a spatula so that uncooked egg mixture flows 
underneath. Cook until almost set, about
 1 minute. Cover skillet and cook another 1 minute. 
Sprinkle omelet with cheese and fold in half,
 allowing cheese to melt. Slide or flip onto a 
heated plate. Serve with buttered toast.


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