Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sakkarai Pongal / Sweet Pongal

I made Sakkarai Pongal in a traditional stove top method for Pongal. We loved it. The pongal has a light color due to the addition of milk in the pongal.

Raw rice: 1 cup
Moong dhal - 1/2 cup
Jaggery - 1 1/2 cups - tightly packed
Milk - 3 cups
Water - 3 cups + 3/4 cup
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Cashew - 5 or 6

Wash rice and dhal and soak in water for 30 mins. In a heavy bottomed vessel, heat 3 cups of milk with 3 cups of water and add the rice-dhal mixture.
Let it boil in medium flame until it is cooked and the rice looses its texture. Remove from heat. Meanwhile dissolve jaggery in 3/4 cups of water and filter if there are impurities. Heat this jaggery water in medium heat until it reaches a one-string consistency (when checked between thumb and forefinger a single thread is formed). Add the jaggery syrup to the cooked rice-dhal mixture and mix with a wooden spoon. Heat 1 tbsp of ghee in a small kadai, fry the cashews and add to the pongal. Adding ghee to the pongal at the end gives a nice aroma without needing to add too much of ghee to the sweet dishes. Serve hot.

I am sending this to Pongal Feast Event by Kurinji Kathambam.

I am also sending this to 'Delicious Desserts' event by 'What's Cooking Today!!'


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