Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Paneer Green Salad with Ginger-lemon dressing

I made this green salad for lunch today and we loved this. I added cubed and marinated paneer to bring in the protein factor and make it more interesting.

Serves - 2
For the dressing:
Ginger - crushed about 2 tbsp
Lemon zest - about 2 tsp (zest of a whole lemon)
Lemon juice - 3 tbsp
Water - 1/4 cup
Salt and pepper - to taste

For the salad:
Romaine Lettuce - 8 oz
Spinach - 1 cup
Carrot - 1 cup grated
Sprouted moong bean - 3/4 cup
Paneer - 1/4 cup ~ 40 g - cut into 1/2" cubes

Pour 1/4 cup of boiling water to the crushed ginger and allow it to steep and cool. When it is cooled add the lemon zest and lemon juice with salt and pepper to taste.
Meanwhile in a big salad mixing bowl, add the lettuce, spinach, sprouted moong bean and grated carrots.
The carrots can be julienned or shredded with the big slot of the grater.
The dressing and the veggies can be prepared earlier and put together until you serve. Before serving, add the paneer to the dressing and allow it to marinate for 5 to 10 mins.
Add the dressing with paneer to the veggies and serve.

I am sending this to 'Only - Salads' event by Pari of Foodelicious and guest hosted by Prathibha.
I am also sending this to 'Food Palette - Green' event by Torview Toronto and 'MLLA # 31' hosted by Simona, brainchild of Susan.

Sending this to Srivalli's Soups and Salads Mela



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