Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blueberry Dates Smoothie

I was planning to send in my smoothie entry for 'Breakfast Club- Yogurt' but I completely forgot about it. I was under the impression that the deadline was on Jan 31 but suddenly remembered it was today. I initially planned to whip up blueberry nut smoothie which would be perfect for a breakfast, now also added some dates to reduce the amount of white sugar I add and also to tweak in iron. I just made this as a single serving just for me and I loved it. It was so yummy and filling.

Blueberries (fresh or frozen) - 3 oz
Low-fat Plain Yogurt - 1/2 cup
Dates - 5 or 6
Walnuts - 2 tbsp
Sugar or honey - 1/2 tsp or according to taste

Blend all the ingredients in a blender/mixie/food processor. Add sugar/honey according to taste. Remember the dates would already have some sweetness.
Serve chilled. This can be prepared the previous day and frozen/chilled in the refrigerator and can be grabbed as a quick breakfast to-go.

Sending this to 'Breakfast Club - Yogurt' event by Sarah of Maison cupcake and Helen of Fuss free Flavors.

I am also sending this to Smita's 'Cooking with Fruits' event.

Sending this to Srivalli's Kid's Delight hosted by Nupur of UK-Rasoi, for the month of April 2012.

Breakfast Smoothies


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