Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Monday, March 12, 2012

Taro root curry.


Taro root is one of forgotten vegetable. but remember if it cooks perfect this is one special dish .creamy soft taro root goes very wonderfully with meat and together they make a beautiful and flavorful curry .

3 years back when I was writing recipes for batter home and garden mixing bowl. This recipe was test  by many people and writes to me that it taste great work wonderful for them .

Taro root curry.
 This slow cooked chicken stew is flavored with ginger and spices and adding tomato sauce give it a creamy texture and nice red color .

2 cups meat or chicken diced in to big chunks.
2 cups taro roots peel and cut in half’s
¼ cup tomato sauce
¼ cup onion finely chopped
3tbsp canola oil
1tbsp butter
Salt and pepper
1tsp cumin seeds
1tsp turmeric powder
1tsp chopped fresh rosemary
2 cloves of garlic
1tbs-grated ginger
1tsp garam masala
Cooked rice to serve.

Heat the oil and butter in saucepan or skillet add onion and sauté it for 2minutes add meat and all the spices ginger whole garlic cloves cook it for 2 more minutes then add peel taro root cook for 2 more minute add tomato sauce and transfer this mixture to slow cooker 

Add ¼ cup of water or stock and let it cook until the meat and taro root become soft.
Serve with white rice or bread.


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