Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Announcing Serve It Series - Serve It - Savory Baked

After a fantabulous success of last month's event, Serve It - Festival Potluck with 171 entries, here we are with this month's theme. Come end of the year and winter we all wish to bake, bake and bake. So we are dedicating two months to this theme. But we would want to categorize the baking theme across November and December. So this month's theme is "Savory Baked". Incidentally November is Thanksgiving month and we believe this is a perfect time to bake Savory dishes. So friends link up your Savory Baked dishes to the Serve It event this month.
To get an idea of Savory baking check out Ragi Kaara Biscuits, Baked Banana Blossom Vadai, Paneer Spinach PinwheelsCarrot Basil BruschettaOven roasted Baby potatoes, Kebab Vegetables with Paneer

Here are the guidelines for the event:
1. You may send in any entry that is only baked in the conventional oven and is savory. No sweet entries allowed like cakes/cookies. No Microwave baked recipes are allowed.
2. Both Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian entries are allowed. Although no beef/pork/alcohol entries please. 
3. Please link back to this announcement page and also to Denny's page.
4. New entries are appreciated, however if you are sending archived entries, please re-post as latest (with a date in November 2011) and update with both the links to the announcement page and logo.
5. Usage of links and logo is mandatory.
6. Last date for submission of your entries is November 30, 2011
7. To send in your entries, just link your entries using the below linky tool. 
8. Non-bloggers also can send their entries with a picture to the below email-id.
9. If you have a problem in linking email us your problem to serveit[dot]series[at]gmail[dot]com. We will try to resolve it. 
Please note that if the entries are inappropriate to the theme we would have to remove the entries from the linky sans notification. If there are other issues like link or logo missing we would definitely notify through email.


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