Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cantaloupe Orange Sorbet

Mercury is soaring high and we are finding ways to indulge in something cool all the time. I am finding ways to keep ourselves well hydrated with lots of fresh fruits, juices and lots of water. And adding to the list, sorbet is my recent discovery. It is a healthy way to get all the goodness of fruit sweetened slightly. I did not prepare any simple syrup but just added sugar while pureeing the melon. Also I added orange juice for that slight citrus punch. This recipe does not need an icecream maker. Just a blender works like a charm.

Cantaloupe / Musk Melon - half of a melon - approx 4 cups
Granulated sugar - 3/4 cup (adjust according to the sweetness of the melon)
Orange juice - 1/2 cup

Blend all the ingredients together in a blender. Transfer it to a glass container with a tight fitting lid and pop it in the freezer. After an hour, mix it with a fork and put it again in the freezer. Mix it twice the next hour. Allow it to freeze. Remove from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator before 15 minutes of serving. Scoop the sorbet with a ladle or melon baller for serving. Serve it topped with orange rinds or mint leaves.
Tip: You could replace orange juice with juice of half a lemon. Be experimental by adding mint leaves, it would give a fresh and cool taste and tiny speckles of green. You could also make a simple syrup with sugar and water and add to the fruit puree instead of adding sugar directly.
Sending this to Serve it - Chilled event happening at Denny's Oh Taste N See and also to 'Only' - Icecreams, Pari's event happening at Reva's space and Veggie/Fruit a month - Orange event by Savitha and Priya.

Sending this to Srivalli's Kid's Delight hosted by Nupur of UK-Rasoi, for the month of April 2012.


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