Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Announcing "Serve It" Series - Serve It Chilled

I and Denny of Oh Taste N See are college friends and have shared the common interest of food blogging. Denny was one of the motivators for me to start a food blog. I was always inspired by her comprehensive knowledge of world-cuisine. If you have not checked out her site, do check out Oh Taste N See now and guess what she has blogged about 300+ recipes. We had an idea of starting an event for a while now. Well, things got little delayed but we have successfully initiated our new event, given that she is celebrating her first anniversary of food blogging this month.

We are delighted to announce the "Serve It" series, which is going to be a theme-based event for every month. This month the theme is "Serve It - Chilled" and is happening at her space. Do check out the event guidelines at her event announcement page. We hope to receive grand support from you all with your super-cool chilled entries.


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