Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chicken Nuggets Recipe

Who in the world doesn't like chicken nuggets? In fact, it's one of the tastiest meals having chicken minced, seasoned with black pepper, garlic and salt. Chicken being a healthy source of nutrition renders a nutritious as well as delicious aspect to this recipe!


  • Chicken boneless (chopped) 1/2 kg
  • Oil (for deep frying) as required
  • Black pepper 1/2 tsp
  • Garlic paste 1 tsp
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Onion (small and chopped) 1
  • Plain flour 1/2 cup
  • Bread crumbs 1 cup
  • Egg 1

  • Add chicken pieces in a pot.
  • Add garlic paste, black pepper and salt in it.
  • Also add onion in it and mix well.
  • Add this meat mixture in chopper to mince it.
  • Put in fridge for a while.
  • Make small nugget shapes from the meat.
  • Coat them in plain flour.
  • Beat an egg.
  • Dip in egg and then coat in bread crumbs.
  • Heat some oil in a pan.
  • Deep fry the nuggets.


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