Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Green beans, potatoes and minced meat curry. Chicken curry.

Green beans, potatoes and minced                                             
                        meat curry.
I always like green beans with minced meat ,but after I make them with goat meat it was hit for my family. Sometime I feel meat need vegetables and vegetables need meat and together they make a very yummy balanced dish such as this one . so next time wants some thing yummy try my green bean curry and you will be one happy person.  

1 cup ground goat or cooked goat meat
2 cup green beans trimmed and cut
1 medium size red potato
1 small onion finely chopped
1 large tomato finely chopped
1/4-cup canola oil or olive oil
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp ginger chopped
1 tsp garam masala
1 green chili
Salt and pepper
1 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp onion seeds
1 tsp turmeric
1/4-cup water


In a large saucepan add oil onion cook for 1 minute add
cumin seeds, and ground meat or cooked steam goat meat and stir  fry for 2 minutes add all the spices stir frequently, add potatoes and green beans, salt, whole green chili  mix and add 1/4 cup water cover and
cook for 5 minutes than remove the led and cook on high,
stir until the liquid has been absorbed and the potatoes get
cooked and tender.

Serve with white rice and salad.
Note. Used whole green chili if you like mild curry.


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