Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Announcing Serve It Series - Serve It - Blended

This month's theme for Serve It series is Serve It - Blended. This is the second event in the Serve It series based on a small kitchen appliance, after Pressure Cooked/Slow Cooked. Blender/Mixer grinder is a great addition to any kitchen and it makes our life so much easier. 
In olden days before the invention of these electrical appliances there used to be grinding stones in every home, Ammikal and Aatukal. It is believed to impart a natural flavor to the dishes compared to the modern gadgets. I can't deny it. We still have ammikal and aatukal in our home back in India. Though we do not use the Aatukal, the big grinding stone, we use the ammikal from time to time for grinding chutneys and spice mixes for curries.
This month's Serve It event is based on these gadgets. So whip up (I mean literally) your blended entries and send it over.

Here are the guidelines for the event:
1. You may send in any entry that is blended/crushed using a blender, food processor or a mortar and pestle. 
2. Chutneys, Spice powders, Pestos, Milkshakes, smoothies, icecreams literally any dish made with a blender is allowed. Basically the blended dish should be served as it is. However Tadka/seasoning is allowed.
3. Entries which are not qualified are dishes which use the blended ingredients to make something, like curry, idli, dosas etc.,. I think you got the idea.
4. The ingredients can be greens, vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy etc.,.
5. Please link back to this announcement page and also to Denny's page here.
6. New entries are appreciated, however if you are sending archived entries, please re-post as latest (with a date in July 2012) and update with both the links to the announcement page and logo.
7. Usage of links and logo is mandatory.
8. Last date for submission of your entries is July 31, 2012.
9. To submit your entries, just link your entries using the linky tool below. 
10. Non-bloggers also can send their entries with a picture to the below email-id.
11. If you have a problem in linking email us your problem to serveit[dot]series[at]gmail[dot]com. We will try to resolve it.
Note: If the entries are inappropriate to the theme, we would have to remove the entries from the linky sans notification. If there are other issues like link or logo missing we would definitely notify through email.
Linky for Blended entries:


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