Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Favorite Way To Roast Chicken, A Giveaway, and A Sale!

Tumbleweed Pottery makes a great chicken
cooker that I've loved using for years. 
Now I'm giving one away!
Original Chicken Cooker
Just by leaving a comment here at
Rita's Recipes or at MAY DAYS
on any of my posts during the month of May
 and you will be entered into a drawing for a 
free Chicken Cooker or
Original Red Chicken Cooker
 any equivalent product from their online catalog.
Enter by commenting as many times as you like. 
Deep Dish Chicken Cooker
But wait...there's more! 
Tumbleweed is giving my readers a discount all 
during May for 20% off!  
(When combined with their already 10% off 
special thru Mother's Day it will give you 
30% off all of their products.) 
Stock up on gifts!
To get the 20% discount use the 
coupon code: maydays.
 Rinse out and pat the chicken dry.
 Stuff with your favorite ingredients. Today I used: 
garlic, fresh herbs, orange slices, onion and S&P.
 Fill the seasoning well. So many choices here!
 This one was butter with herbs and lemon juice.
 Now, put the chicken on the well, legs down. 
It will be nice and secure unlike a beer can.
 I buttered and seasoned the outside.
 Plug the neck hole with foil to keep the
steam and juices inside.
You'll probably need to remove one of your oven
 racks. Put the chicken inside...
THEN turn then oven on to 350 and roast
for about 1-1/2 hours. No need to baste.
Always place the chicken and the
cooker in a COLD oven! 
I popped a few sweet potatoes along side. 
 It uses the concept of the beer-can chicken. 
Liquid from the seasoning well steams the
chicken from the inside out.
Create your own combinations. 
Lots of recipes on their website HERE
The chicken browns beautifully on all sides. 
The fat drains off.
Skim the fat from the well and you'll be left with
 lots of natural juices to spoon over the chicken.
 The skin is nice and crispy and the meat is
tender and juicy.
You'll love it! 
These are beautiful handcrafted pottery pieces
 made in the USA by a family owned business.
You'll love that too!
to view their catalog.



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