Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Peerkangai thol thuvayal / Ridge gourd Peels Chutney | Indian Chutney Recipes

Peerkangai / Ridge Gourd is a nutrient rich vegetable. Being brought up in a South Indian Family we were fed with a sumptuous share of vegetables for our meals. Dad always says vegetables from the vine are really good for health. Our mothers and grandmothers plan really very well on what vegetables can be cooked how. There was never any wastage of vegetables and if there are any leftovers they are promptly featured in a kootu or avial. Talking about the nutrients in the vine vegetables, this ridge gourd peels chutney always present whenever there is a curry, kootu or sambar is made with ridge gourd.
Makes 1/2 cup of thogayal
Ridge gourd peels - 1 cup
Coconut - 2 tbsp
Urad dhal - 2 tsp
Tamarind - size of a marble
Red chilli - 2
Salt - to taste
Oil - 2 tsp

Wash and scrub the ridge gourd well. Using a knife scrape the sharp edges of the ridges. Peel the skin and reserve. Heat 1 tsp of oil and saute the peels until it starts to wilt. Remove and set aside to cool. Heat the remaining oil and fry the urad dhal, red chillies and tamarind. When the dhal begins to turn to light brown, add the grated coconut and remove from heat. Allow to cool and blend with the peels adding salt. The chutney should be thick, more like scooping consistency, so add only a little water while grinding as needed. Serve as a side for rice.
Linking this up for Vegan Thursdays.


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