Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Kambu Roti / Bajra Roti | Easy Indian Breakfast Recipes

Eating healthy need not be difficult. I am trying to incorporate more whole grains in my diet. It was a long day of work and I hadn't planned for dinner until it was 9 PM. I quickly came up with this roti and dinner was ready in a jiffy. Paired with a simple chutney/podi this makes a delicious meal for a quickie. I made a few extra for breakfast the next day. It makes a pretty good grab-and-go breakfast. Linking this up to Vegan Thursdays.
Kambu maavu / Bajra Flour - 2 cups
Onion - chopped - 1/2 cup
Summer squash - grated - 1 cup (or any vegetable of your choice, grated)
Green chilli - 2
Coriander leaves - a handful
Salt - to taste
Mix all ingredients and sprinkle water, little at a time to form a dough. Heat a pan and spread golf-ball sized dough on the hot pan with your fingers. Alternatively, the dough can be spread on a plastic sheet and transferred to the pan. Spray/drizzle some oil and cook for a min. Flip over and continue cooking until done on both sides. Serve hot or at room temperature.

Sending this delicacy to Nupur's What's with my Cuppa.


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