Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Friday, November 30, 2012

Guest Hosting "Know Your Sweetness" - Brown Sugar

I am guest hosting an event after a long time. This time it is Jagruti's Know your Natural Sweetness event with the theme of Brown Sugar. I love Jagruti's themes and happy to be a part of this event. Sweetness is the most prominent and preferred taste among the five (sometimes six) tastes. Who doesn't like something sweet after dinner? This month being the cookies and cakes month for Christmas and New year, it is more appropriate to treat yourself and your sweet tooth. Make or bake something with Brown Sugar and link it up.

Guidelines for the event:
1. Send in any dish which uses brown sugar/raw sugar. The dish can be sweet or savory.
2. Only Vegetarian dishes are allowed. Eggs are allowed if you prefer.
3. Entries posted from December 1st to January 1st are allowed.
4. Link to this post and Jagruti's event announcement page are mandatory.
5. Use of logo is appreciated.
6. Non-bloggers can email your recipe to krithiskitchen [ at ] gmail [dot] com with a picture of your dish.
Linky for Know Your Sweetness:


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