Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Everyday white rice

Everyday white rice
There is something about rice versatile ,beautiful ,earthy and aromatic this small tiny  grains are precious than gold. and some time I feel rice is always  favorite in among all of us specially us ladies. in back home in every home people are divided in  bread and rice lovers. and if you notice that  all of Pakistani food is served with rice or bread.
We Pakistani are very particular about our rice. every grain of the rice must be stand separate in your plate .and elders always said the rice must be fully cooked but not hard and nor too soft or broken if I want to count each grain I can easily do it .
So here folks if you want to cook rice like Pakistani do then try this recipe and I am 100 percent sure even just this simple rice can be the jowls  on you table.
And if you want to serve it with vegetables, or meat or even dal you are good to go.
Hope you all will like it.

1-cup basmati rice
1 tsp salt.
2-cup water
1bay leave 
5 whole peppercorn 
1 tbsp canola oil.
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 onion finally sliced
Wash and soak the rice for 15 minutes.
In a frying pan fry the onions until golden remove and keep aside.
Boil the rice in pot or rice cooker add salt cumin seeds and 1tbsp oil. Cook until water dries and rice become fluffy and cook serve hot and sprinkle fry onion serve with any meat curry and salad.


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