Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chicken (Murg) Dum Biryani Recipe

Chicken Dum Biryani

Chicken Dum Biryani Chicken Dum biryani(biriyani) though being elaborate in preparing, is a sinfully tasty and very well savored recipe. It is found in all parts of India, Pakistan, Afganistan and other countries and forms an integral part of their cuisine. This recipe here is the popular Hyderabadi chicken biryani.

The word Biryani is derived from the Persian word berya(n) which means "roasted" or "fried". Legend has it that a Nawab of Punjab wore a matching turban for each variety of biryani. The Nizam's kitchen boasted of 49 kinds, which included biryani made from fish, quail, shrimp, deer and hare. Now lets get started!

Chicken Dum Biryani Ingredients:
  • Chicken - 1k.g/2.2lb
  • Basmati Rice - 1k.g/2.2lb
  • Onions - 6 medium sized (long thinly sliced)
  • Tomato - 6 medium sized (chopped)
  • Ginger Garlic paste - 1 cup or 6-8 tablespoons
  • Mint (Pudina) - 1 bunch
  • Coriander (Cilantro) - 1/2 bunch
  • Green Chili - 6 nos (Whole)
  • Lemon - 1 medium sized
  • Red Chili powder - 1 1/2 tablespoon
  • Oil - 250ml
  • Curd or yogurt - 1 to 1 1/2 cup
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Bay leaves (Biryani leaf) - 1
  • Cinnamon (Patta) - 6 nos
  • Cloves (Lavang) - 8 nos
  • Cardamom (Elaichi) - 4 nos
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons (Powdered) or 2 handful (rock salt)

Preparation Time:30 minutes
Cooking Time:1 1/2 hours
Servings:6-8 people
Hyderabadi Biryani Recipe
Cooking Method for Chicken Dum Biryani:
Biryani Masala or Gravy:
1. In a heavy bottomed deep pan, heat the oil on medium heat.
2. Add bay leaves, 3 cinnamon, 4 cloves, 2 cardamom, 6 chillies and onions.
3. Fry the onions until golden brown.Chicken Dum Biryani
4. Add ginger-garlic paste and fry until the raw pungent smell of the paste leaves.
5. Keep aside a hand full of Mint and add the rest to the pan. At this stage add the coriander as well. Fry for 5-10 minutes until you get a nice aroma.
6. Now add the chicken and mix the content of the pan thoroughly.
7. Add turmeric powder and 1 1/2 tablespoon of salt. Mix well and cook for 5 minutes.
8. Add tomatoes to the pan and cook until it gets soft and mushy.
6. Now is the time for curd (yogurt) and chili powder.
7. Cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and cook for 10-15 minutes until you see some oil floating on the top.
8. At this stage remove the pan from the heat.
9. Now empty nearly 3/4 of the pan contents into a separate container and set it aside.

Rice Preparation:
1. Soak the basmati rice in cold water for 15 minutes.
2. Meanwhile take a large container with sufficient water. Bring it to boil.
3. When boiling add the remaining mint, cloves, cinnamon and cardamom.
4. Now drain all the water from the soaked rice and add it to the container. Add 1 1/2 tablespoon salt.
5. Cook the rice until it is 3/4 done.
6. Now take the container off the heat and drain the remaining water from the rice.

Layering the Biryani and Dum cooking
In the same pan where you had 1/4 of the biryani gravy, add a layer of cooked rice. Then add another layer of the biryani gravy (that was keep aside in a seperate container) and top it with rice. Repeat until all the rice and biryani gravy is layered. Also squeeze or add a little bit of lemon juice on every layer during the layering process.
'Dum' cooking is a traditional method of slow-cooking, normally on a bed of coal with pots over them, sealed with kneaded flour so that no heat escapes it. Sometimes coal is spread out on the pot lid to distribute heat evenly.

To get the same effect as the traditional method of dum cooking, take a right fitting lid for the vessel, cover and seal the lid with heavy object. The idea is to make a air tight seal. Alternatively you can knead the wheat flour and use that to seal the lid to the vessel. Now put the the vessel on low heat and cook for approximately 15-20 minutes.

That's it! Spicy hot Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani is now ready to be served and enjoyed.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pepper Chicken Recipe (Murg Kali Mirch)

Pepper Chicken Recipe (Murg Kali Mirch)Pepper Chicken Recipe (Murg Kali Mirch)

Pepper Chicken (Murg Kali Mirch) is one of the most popular and tasty recipes from the world of Chettinad cuisine.

This is one of my signature dishes which my family and friends absolutely love. They just can't have enough of this recipe and always want more. This is one of the fairly simple recipes to cook requiring few ingredients and yet it is so very delicious.

Pepper Chicken Recipe Ingredients:

  • Chicken - 1k.g/2.2lb
  • Garlic cloves - 10-15
  • Onions, chopped - 1/2 (medium sized)
  • Green Chili  - 4
  • Curry leaves - 25 individual leaves
  • Soya Sauce - 1 1/2 tablespoon (for dark Soya Sauce) or 2 tablespoon (for light colored Soya Sauce)
  • Pepper Powder - 1 or 1 1/2 tablespoon
  • Lime or Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Ghee - 1 teaspoon
  • Oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Turmetic powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Coriander or Cilantro for garnish
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4-6 people

Cooking Method:

1. Heat oil and ghee under medium heat in a deep frying pan or khadhai.
2. Add crushed garlic cloves. Saute and stir for 2 minutes
3. Add onion, green chillies (vertically sliced) and curry leaves to the mixture. Stir the ingredients for 2 more minutes
4. Then add chicken and mix the contents of the pan.
5. Now lower the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Allow the chicken to cook for 10-15 minutes.
6. Add tumeric, salt to taste and mix it thoroughly
7. Put the lid back over the pan and cook for 5 more minutes
8. Add soya sauce and wait for 2 additional minutes
9. At this moment all the liquid in the pan should have evaporated which indicates that the chicken is fully cooked.
Note: If there is some liquid left you can increase the heat a little and cook until no liquid is left.
10.When there is no liquid left in the pan add pepper powder, lemon juice and mix well.
11.Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.
Please follow the method for preparing this recipe exactly in the same sequence as mentioned above for great tasting pepper chicken. Happy cooking!

About Me

I am Bharathi. I am a food enthusiast living with my husband, daughter and son. I am passionate about everything food and spend hours and hours cooking food, learning and trying out new recipes. My culinary knowledge spans South Indian, North Indian, Chinese and other regions as well.

I would like to share my culinary knowledge and my recipes in this blog. It also presents an opportunity for me to learn and try out new recipes. Please join me in this endeavour. You can stay in touch and get regular updates on recipes by subscribing to RSS Feed or by subscribing to Email updates. You can also reach me with any queries and info at

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