Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Monday, October 15, 2012

Roast Chicken By Chef Zarnak

Roast Chicken:

Chicken 1 whole
Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
Lemon (juice) 2
Salt 1 tsp
Red chili powder 1 tbsp
Red chilies, crushed 1 tsp
Green chilies, ground 3-4
Honey 1 tbsp
Brown sugar 1 tsp
All spice powder 1 tsp
Oil 2 tbsp
Boiled vegetables to serve


Put cuts in the chicken. Marinate chicken with lemon juice, ginger garlic paste, salt, red chili powder, crushed red chilies, green chili paste, honey, brown sugar, and let stand for at least 6 hours or overnight in fridge. Just before serving, heat oil, add the chicken without its marination and roast till color changes, keep stirring, add the marinated liquid and little water and cook covered and lastly sprinkle all-spice and serve hot with boiled veggies on the side.


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