Asian Pakistane Indian Recipes

Monday, October 15, 2012

Eggless Cake by chef Zarnak

Eggless Cake

Flour 1 - ½ cups
Khoya, crumbled 1 - ½ tbsp
Butter, softened 3/4 cup
Caster sugar 3/4 cup
Milk powder 5 tbsp
Corn flour 2 tbsp
Baking powder 1 tsp
Soda bicarbonate 1 tsp
Green cardamom powder ¼ tsp
Buttermilk ¼ cup
Milk 2 tbsp

Preheat oven to 180C. Beat butter and caster sugar. Sieve milk powder into the bowl and continue to mix. Add khoya and mix again. Sieve flour, corn flour, baking powder, soda bicarbonate and green cardamom powder into the bowl and mix. Add buttermilk to correct the consistency. If the batter is still thick add a little milk and mix. Pour into the greased moulds or paper cups. Tap the moulds lightly to even the batter. Bake till skewer inserted in centre comes out it with Vallina frosting.


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